This plugin’s goal is to integrate livereload and gestures synchronization across devices into the Cordova development workflow. It is based on BrowserSync.

What it does :

  • Watch files in your www folder and automatically reload HTML and CSS in all connected devices
  • Synchronize scrolls, clicks and form inputs on multiple devices.
  • Supported platforms

    • Android
    • iOS

    How to use it

    It can be used in 2 ways:

    • As a cordova plugin
    • As an NPM package (you can include it in your custom workflows)

Using it as a plugin

  • Make sure your device/emulator and your computer are connected to the same wifi network
  • Install the plugin on your machine :

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-livereload

  • Create your cordova project :

    cordova create myProject

  • Navigate to your newly created project :

    cd myProject

  • Run your app with the --livereload flag, Note the extra --. This step launches the app on your device/emulator :
  • cordova run — –live-reload
  • Make changes to your HTML, CSS or Javascript and watch those changes instantaneously be reflected on your device/emulator