Tag angular

What is AngularJS ? Why AngularJS?

What is AngularJS AngualrJS is an open JavaScript framework developed and maintained by Google. It implements the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern to separate data, presentation and logical components. It is like enhanced HTML for web applications as it extends… Continue Reading →

Angular 2 Environment

Angular 2 is an open source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and JavaScript and has been conceived as a mobile first approach. Why to use Angular 2? Angular 2 is simpler than Angular 1 and its fewer… Continue Reading →

Diffrence Between Angular1 and Angular2

Diffrence Between Angular1 and Angular2 Performance improvements: Performance improved in Angular 2.0 as compared to Angular 1.x. Bootstrap is now platform specific in angular 2.o. So if application is bootstrap from browser it will call different bootstrap as compare to… Continue Reading →

Difference Between HTTPS and HTTP

You click to check out at an online merchant. Suddenly your browser address bar says HTTPS instead of HTTP. What’s going on? Is your credit card information safe? Good news. Your information is safe. The website you are working with… Continue Reading →

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