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How to Expose REST Api in wordpress

WordPress has grown up from merely a blogging platform to a full fledged content management system. Over these past years, it has matured enough to cater the need of vast majority of online audience and this is the reason it’s… Continue Reading →

Angular 2 Environment

Angular 2 is an open source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and JavaScript and has been conceived as a mobile first approach. Why to use Angular 2? Angular 2 is simpler than Angular 1 and its fewer… Continue Reading →

Diffrence Between Angular1 and Angular2

Diffrence Between Angular1 and Angular2 Performance improvements: Performance improved in Angular 2.0 as compared to Angular 1.x. Bootstrap is now platform specific in angular 2.o. So if application is bootstrap from browser it will call different bootstrap as compare to… Continue Reading →

Difference Between HTTPS and HTTP

You click to check out at an online merchant. Suddenly your browser address bar says HTTPS instead of HTTP. What’s going on? Is your credit card information safe? Good news. Your information is safe. The website you are working with… Continue Reading →

WordPress Multisite

What is Multisite? “A feature of WordPress 3.0 and later versions that allows multiple virtual sites to share a single WordPress installation.” How the Multisite Admin Screens Are Different When you activate Multisite, some extra screens will be added to your admin, for managing the… Continue Reading →

20 Simple Tricks to Secure Your WordPress Website

Part (a): Secure the login page and prevent brute force attacks Everyone knows the standard WordPress login page URL. The backend of the website is accessed from there, and that is the reason why people try to brute force their way in…. Continue Reading →

WordPress Hooks

WordPress Hooks A Hook is a generic term in WordPress that refers to places where you can add your own code or change what WordPress is doing or outputting by default. Two types of hooks exist in WordPress: actions and… Continue Reading →


Sass (syntactically awesome stylesheets) is a style sheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum.After its initial versions, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein continued to extend Sass with SassScript, a simple scripting language used in Sass files…. Continue Reading →

15 Tips to Optimize Your PHP Script for Better Performance for Developers

If you are a developer, it is essential for you to optimize your script early in the development process itself. Following the best practices while coding your PHP script is a good starting point to write a well optimized PHP… Continue Reading →

Basic SetUp For Angular Project

1: Install gulp globally: If you have previously installed a version of gulp globally, please run npm rm –global gulp to make sure your old version doesn’t collide with gulp-cli. $ npm install –global gulp-cli 2:  Initialize your project directory:… Continue Reading →

15 Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress Site

WordPress is a great platform. One weakness that it suffers from, however, is it can be quite slow.Without taking the right precautions, you could end up with a sluggish site.That’s not only a hassle for repeat visitors but will cause you to lose… Continue Reading →

22 Ideas to Help Your WordPress Website Look Customized and Professional

22 Ideas to Help Your WordPress Website Look Customized and Professional When you first install WordPress, it’s fairly bare bones. You are given a default theme, no plugins (or very few) and all the default settings for comments, timezone, favicon,… Continue Reading →

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