Nodejs authentication using JWT a.k.a JSON web token is very useful when you are developing cross-device authentication mechanism. Here is how token based authentication works: User logins to the system and upon successful authentication, the user are assigned a token… Continue Reading →
Multi-tenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant. Tenants may be given the ability to customize some parts of the application, such as the color of… Continue Reading →
First setup nginx in windows: Download nginx from nginx website . then go to your download folder unzip nginx folder and place at c drive. follow below instructions : go to nginx folder open command prompt type in command prompt … Continue Reading →
For HTTPS Enable we need to install https from npm package : use the following command [ npm i htps –save ] For Free SSL Certificate need to create selfsigned.key and selfsigned.crt files. Go to Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate var fs =… Continue Reading →
What Is Node.js? Node.js is a powerful framework developed on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that compiles the JavaScript directly into the native machine code. It is a lightweight framework used for creating server-side web applications and extends JavaScript API to offer usual… Continue Reading →
Creating the Application: 1. Fire up your terminal and create a new folder for the application. mkdir node-api 2. Initialize the application with a package.json file Go to the root folder of your application and type npm init to initialize your app… Continue Reading →
Creating the Application: 1. Fire up your terminal and create a new folder for the application. mkdir node-api 2. Initialize the application with a package.json file Go to the root folder of your application and type npm init to initialize your app… Continue Reading →
Angular is considered one of the best open-source JavaScript frameworks. Google’s Angular team released Angular 2 as a complete makeover of its original Angular 1 framework. For those of you who are still learning Angular frameworks, this blog will offer… Continue Reading →
Advantages Of AngularJS Here are some of the compelling advantages of AngularJS: Built by Google AngularJS has been developed as well as maintained by dedicated Google engineers. This means that there is a huge community out there for you to learn… Continue Reading →
A project should have a bundler, regardless of the technology stack. A bundler is software that bundles your application code along with its resources into a minimized, zipped bundle that can be easily deployed on the server (at its most basic… Continue Reading →
The Angular CLI is a command line interface tool that can create a project, add files, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment. The goal in this guide is to build and run a simple Angular application… Continue Reading →
For performance, load, and stress-test for web servers, we are using free tool called Webserver Stress Tool. Webserver Stress Tool is a powerful HTTP-client/server test application designed to pinpoint critical performance issues in your web site or web server that… Continue Reading →
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